Knowing Jesus

The very heart of being a Christian is to know Jesus Christ!  Knowing the Lord Jesus is to know love, peace, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness courage, boldness and so on.  This doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time, lots of time to really know the Lord Jesus.  When I speak of knowing Christ, I am not speaking of an organization, denomination or church membership.  I am speaking of knowing the living God.  I am speaking of knowing Deity, Emanuel; God with us.  Getting to know Christ is not like running a 100-yard dash, where in a matter of minutes you’ve run the race and it’s over.  It’s more like you are running in a marathon; it’s a long haul!  It will take endurance and patience to stay in the race, knowing there is a prize to be won. You must know that Christ is the prize, Hebrews 12:1,2 - Philippians 3:14.  Getting to know Jesus is not a one-night (service) stand.  Getting to know Jesus is an eternal commitment!
Every serious student of Christ will need a good bible, a good bible dictionary, a good bible concordance, a good manners and customs of the bible and a good bible handbook.  It will cost you something to get to know Christ.  Our greatest cost is time!  Time spent with Him!  So, don’t be discouraged at the cost of time!
Let’s look at what the Word “know” really means.  Know: to apprehend; to have a clear perception or understanding of; to be sure of; have perceived or learned; to be acquainted with.  I believe that each one of the above definitions gives a clear picture of what it means to know Christ.
As we study God’s word, we study Christ.  We observe Him.  Our purpose for being is to know Him and make Him known, 2 Corinthians 5:17,18.
We must spend time with Him to be sure of Him.  We must spend time with Him to learn Him and get a clear perception and understanding of Him.  We must get acquainted with Him to apprehend Him.  We must spend time with Him to get to know Him.  To know Him is to love Him, and serve Him, and worship Him.  You become like whom you spend time with.
As you can see, it’s not about position, titles or reputation.  It’s all about Him, The Lord Jesus Christ!   To know Him as we should, we must establish an intimate relationship with Him.   As I read the word of God, I see His ways and I see His acts.  He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel (Psalms103:7).  He wants us to know His ways.  His ways are about who He is.  His acts are about what He can do.  We should know what He can do.  With God, all things are possible!  We should observe Him and desire to do what pleases Him.
Paul, the Apostle had walked with the Lord for many years.  He had been used mightily of God to preach the gospel and to perform many miracles. He had established many churches, but the deepest cry of his heart was, to know Christ the more, Phil. 3:10.  In Philippians 3:7-9, Paul said he counted all of his former gain “only rubbish”, compared to the priceless privilege, and supreme advantage of knowing Christ.
Our perception and understanding of Him must be so clear that we are fully persuaded and we are willing to follow Him all the way, 2 Timothy 1:12.  
Knowing Him is to accept the truth of His ways, for His ways are right, and just, Psalms 119:30.  In John 10:14, Jesus said, I am the Good Shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.  We are to know Christ, the Good Shepherd, in such a way that we are willing to trust Him as He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death, Psalms 23:4.
Jesus said, He is known of His sheep and they are to trust His leadership, knowing His care for them.  We are not to fear the harmless shadows about us, but cling to the loving shepherd, whom we know, who is leading us in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.  To know Him is to trust Him.  This kind of trust is birthed out of an intimate relationship with Him.
As you spend time studying Christ in the scriptures, His word will develop faith and confidence in your heart that will dispel all doubt, fear, and intimidation, for greater is He (Christ) who is in you than he who is in the world, 1 John 4:4.
When you truly know Christ and His love for you, it is easier to make it through the hard times.   As a believer you will be tested, go through trials and suffer persecution.  These times of trouble should only cause you to get closer to God and know Him more intimately.
In Psalms 61:2, David said; when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  Jesus is the Rock of our salvation!  In our time of testing, we are to run to Him. He is greater than any problem we will ever face.
During your times of trials and testing you are being made, molded and changed into the image of Christ.  So, by God’s grace, just yield to the potter’s caring hand.  He is teaching us to look to Him instead of trusting in our own abilities (which will fail us), and to know Him and that He is with us all the way, Hebrews 13:5.

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