On a few occasions I have spoken with other believers on the subject of getting every prayer answered. On more than one occasion the person I was talking to was surprised that I actually believed as Christians we should get every one of our prayers answered. The general consensus seems to be that we are to pray, and if we get an answer, wonderful! However, if we don’t get an answer, many believe we are to write it off as “not being in the Lord’s will.”
I have studied the scriptures on this subject. I believe that not only is it possible to get every prayer answered, but that it is absolutely the will of God for every born again believer to know how to get every one of their prayers answered! As we study the scriptures together in this book, I trust that this truth will become a reality to every person who will accept the Word of God as truth. As you do, your prayer life and walk with Him will never be the same.
I have studied the scriptures on this subject. I believe that not only is it possible to get every prayer answered, but that it is absolutely the will of God for every born again believer to know how to get every one of their prayers answered! As we study the scriptures together in this book, I trust that this truth will become a reality to every person who will accept the Word of God as truth. As you do, your prayer life and walk with Him will never be the same.
Jim McIver's Work In Haiti
We're building dreams and changing futures in the nation of Haiti. Jim McIver is the founder and president of Love Haiti's Children Orphanage, a missions organization with a home base in the USA and on the ground in Archaie, Haiti. In March of 2015 we purchased 1 acre of land in Archaie, Haiti, and immediately began to build. Fast forward to March of 2020 WE ARE FINALLY OPEN....This compound will initially take care of 16 children, and be a distribution center to other orphanages! Love Haiti's Children Orphanage provides lots of love, counseling, spiritual guidance, housing, food, clothing, health care and education (including English) to the children. The children will be taught job skills to prepare them for life in Haitian society after being an orphan....